Transaction is a logical unit of work in a database.
Types of transactions:
1. Auto commit transactions
2. Explicit transactions
3. Implicit transactions.
Every individual DML statement is an auto commit transaction.
Types of transactions:
1. Auto commit transactions
2. Explicit transactions
3. Implicit transactions.
1. Auto Commit Transactions:
Every individual DML statement is an auto commit transaction.
insert into dept values (50,'export','hyd')
2. Explicit Transactions:
- The transaction begins with 'begin tran' and end explicitly with either 'commit' or 'rollback'
For ex: begin train
update emp set sal=sal+100 where detpno=10
(a) Rollback: update operaiton cancelled
(b) Commit: update operation is saved.
(c) Savepoint: Savepoints are like a paper markers used to divide the big transactions into smaller transactions.
Syntax: Save Tran (Savepoint-id)
Explicit Transaction |
begin tran insert into emp (emono,ename) values (100,'Ravi') save point a update emp set sal=sal+500 where job='clerk' save point b insert into emp (emono,ename) values (101,'Pratap') delete from emp where ename='Kishore' rollback tran b insert|delete will be cancelled rollback tran a update 1 will be cancelled commit insert 1 will be saved once committed we can't rollback
3. Implicit Transaction:
When implicit transaction is on automatically server will issue the begin tran statement before executing the DML statement. Then DML operations can be committed or rollbacked by users.
set implicit -transaction on insert into dept (deptno) values (50) rollback-insert operation will be cancelled
set implicit -transaction off update dept set dname='import' where deptno=20; rollback--update operation will not be cancelled.
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