The functions created by the user are called user defined functions.
Types of user defined functions:
1. Scalar Valued Functions
2. Table Valued Functions
Types of user defined functions:
1. Scalar Valued Functions
2. Table Valued Functions
1. Scalar Valued Functions:
The functions which return scalar (single value) to the calling environment are called scalar valued functions.Syntax:
create function (function_name) (@para1 datatype(size), ……@para n datatype (size)) retrun datatype as begin function body return ( variable) end
Declare @ var (datatype) Set @var= owner.funciton_name ( para1, para2..) print@var
Create function add_sum ( @a int, @b int) Return int As Begin Declare @c int, Set @c = @a+@b; return(@c); endExecuting the function
Declare @z int Set @z= dbo.add_sum(3,5) print@z
Example: Write a function to find the net salary of an employ use parameter to read empno and display the net using return value.
Create function net_sal (@vno int) Return int As Begin Declare @vsal int, @vcomm int Select @vsal=sal @vcomm=comm from emp where empno=@vno if(@vcomm is null) Return (@vsal) Else Return (@sal+@vcomm) EndExecuting the function
Declare @k int Set @k=dbo.netsal(7369) Print @k
2. Table Valued Functions:
These functions will return entire table to the calling environment. Syntax:. Create function function_name (@par1 datatype (size) @par2 datatype (size)...@para n datatype (size)) Returns table As return (select statment)Executing the function:
Select * from function_name (value1, value2, value3)Example:
Create function dept_fun() Return table As return (select * from dept)Select * from dept_fun();
Create function dept_fun(@n int) Returns table As return(select * from dept where deptno=@n)
Select * from dept_fun (10)
Aggregate Functions in SQL
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